DEEP: Database of Early English Playbooks

1608 Day, John Humor Out of Breath

Reference Information

DEEP #: 522
Greg #: 268a
STC/Wing #: 6411
Record Type: Single-Play Playbook
Play Type: Boys Professional
Genre (Annals): Comedy
Book Edition: 1
Play Edition: 1
Format: Quarto
Leaves: 28
Date of First Publication: 1608
Date of First Production: 1608 [1607-1608]
Company of First Production: Children of the King's Revels
Company Attribution: Children of the King's Revels
Total Editions: 1 quarto

Title-Page Features

Title: Humour out of breath. A Comedie[.]
Performance: Diuers times latelie acted, By the Children Of The Kings Reuells.
Imprint: Printed at London for Iohn Helmes, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstons Church-yard in Fleet-street. 1608.

Paratextual Material

Dedication: Epistle to: "Signior No-body"; from: John Day [A2r]

Stationer Information

Printer: Bradock, Richard
Publisher: Helme, John
Imprint Location: W.9 (Fleet St. - St. Dunstan's Church / Clifford's Inn)
Entries in Stationers' Register: Apr 12, 1608: Entered to John Helme: "a booke called. Humor out of breathe".
Dec 3, 1627: Transferred from Anne Helme (the widow of John Helme) to William Washington: "Humor out of breath."
May 21, 1628: Transferred from William Washington to Miles Flesher: "Humor out of breath."