1608 | Chapman, George | The Conspiracy of Charles Duke of Byron | |
Reference InformationDEEP #:
Greg #: 274a
STC/Wing #: n/a
Record Type: Play in Collection
Play Type: Boys Professional
Genre (Annals): Tragedy
Book Edition: n/a
Play Edition: 1
Format: Quarto
Leaves: 29 1/2
Date of First Publication: 1608
Date of First Production: 1608 [1607-1608]
Company of First Production: Children of the Queen's Revels
Company Attribution: n/a
Total Editions: 2 quartos in collection
In Collection:
The Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron (1608)
Title-Page FeaturesTitle: [RT; B1r] BYRONS CONSPIRACIE.
Paratextual MaterialNone
Stationer InformationEntries in Stationers' Register: Jun 5, 1608: Entered to Thomas Thorpe: "A booke called / The Conspiracy and Tragedie of Charles Duke of Byronn written by Georg Chapman".
Jul 9, 1653: Transferred from Margaret Faulkner, the widow of Francis Faulkner, to Humphrey Moseley: "a booke called Byrons Conspiracy & Tragedie, by Geo: Chapman." |