DEEP: Database of Early English Playbooks

1651 Cartwright, William Comedies, Tragicomedies, With other Poems

Reference Information

DEEP #: 5146
Greg #: n/a
STC/Wing #: C709
Record Type: Collection
Play Type: Collection of Plays and Nondramatic Texts
Genre (Annals): n/a
Book Edition: 1
Play Edition: n/a
Format: Octavo
Leaves: 302
Date of First Publication: 1651
Date of First Production: n/a
Company of First Production: n/a
Company Attribution: n/a
Total Editions: 1 octavo

Title-Page Features

Author: BY Mr WILLIAM CARTWRIGHT, late student of Christ-Church in Oxford, and Proctor of the UNIVERSITY. The Ayres and Songs set by Mr HENRY LAWES, Servant to His late MAjESTY in His Publick and Private Musick.
Latin Motto: [in single column] ———nec Ignes, | Nec potuit Ferrum,———
Illustration: Engraved portrait on frontispiece, inscribed "Obijt Anno 1643", signed "P Lombart sculp. A. london" [π1v]
Imprint: LONDON, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the sign of the Prince's Arms in St Pauls Church-yard, 1651.

Paratextual Material

Dedication: Dedication to: University of Oxford; from: Humphrey Moseley [πa2r]
Commendatory Verses: 53: by "K. P."; "Monmouth"; "T. P."; "Edw. Dering"; "Io. Pettus"; "Robert Stapylton"; "Io. Ieffryes"; "Jasper Mayne"; "W. Barker"; "Edw. Sherburne"; "Iames Howell"; "Jo. Leigh"; "I. C."; "Fr. Finch"; "Io. Finch"; "Thomas Baines"; "Will. Creed"; "Rob. Waring"; "John Berkenhead" [var. "I. B."]; "W. Towers"; "Henry Vaughan"; "Ios. Howe"; "M. Lluellin"; "Rich Goodridge"; "Io. Fell"; "Iohn Raymond"; "Robert Gardiner"; "W. Waring"; "Hen. Lawes"; "Ralph Bathhurst"; "Mat. Smalwood"; "Tho. Vaughan"; "Fr. Palmer"; "Geo. Hill"; "Hen. Davison"; ("Rich: Watkins"; cancelled and reprinted later); "J. Cobbe"; "Rich: Iles"; "E. Nevill"; "Will. Stanton"; "R. Mason"; "Hen. Davison"; "Tho. Severne"; "H. B."; "Will. Bell"; "I. P."; "Alexander Brome"; "Tho: Philipott"; "C: W."; "Tho: Cole"; "B: C:"; "Rich: Watkins" (revised version); "R. Hill"; "Iz. Wa." [πa6v]
To the Reader: "To the Reader" [πa3r]; "The Stationer" (verses) signed "Hum. Moseley" with a "Postscript" [4*6r]
Errata: "Errata" [4*6v]

Stationer Information

Printer: Hunt, William (1)
Publisher: Moseley, Humphrey
Imprint Location: A.2 (Paul's Churchyard - Great North Door)
Entries in Stationers' Register: May 4, 1648: Entered to Humphrey Moseley: "a booke called Poems & Playes (vizt.) The Seige or Loues Convert, The Lady Errant, The Citty Cozener or the Ordinary. being TrageComedies by Mr. Wm: Cartwright".