DEEP: Database of Early English Playbooks

1611 Tourneur, Cyril The Atheist's Tragedy, or The Honest Man's Revenge

Reference Information

DEEP #: 565
Greg #: 293a(*)
STC/Wing #: 24146
Record Type: Single-Play Playbook
Play Type: Adult Professional
Genre (Annals): Tragedy
Book Edition: 1
Play Edition: 1
Format: Quarto
Leaves: 40
Date of First Publication: 1611
Date of First Production: 1611 [1607-1611]
Company of First Production: King's Men
Company Attribution: n/a
Total Editions: 1 quarto
Variants: There are two issues of this edition, varying in the imprint: Greg 293a(*) is dated 1611 and, in some copies, the publishers’ names are spelled incorrectly; Greg 293a(†) is dated 1612 and the publishers’ names are spelled correctly. See also Greg 293a(†)

Title-Page Features

Title: THE ATHEIST'S TRAGEDIE: OR The honest Man's Reuenge.
Author: WRITTEN By Cyril Tourneur.
Performance: As in diuers places it hath often beene Acted.
Imprint: AT LONDON, Printed for Iohn Stepneth, and Richard Redmer, and are to be sold at their Shops at the West end of Paules. 1611. [var.: "Stepney,"; "Redmere,"]

Paratextual Material

Character List: "The names and qualities of the Actors" [A1v]

Stationer Information

Printer: Snodham, Thomas
Publisher: Stepneth, John; Redmer, Richard
Imprint Location: A.10 (Paul's Churchyard - West)
Entries in Stationers' Register: Sep 14, 1611: Entered to John Stepneth: "A booke called, The tragedy of the Atheist".